Scaleway offers S3-compatible storage in its Object Storage service.
Scaleway as a cloud computing platform is described on a separate page.
Object storage providers allow their users to store files hierarchically. For each file, metadata can be attached and the provider takes care of the data management, replication, ect.
The most commonly known object storage provider is Amazon S3. The protocol used to interact with files in S3 has become a quasi-standard. Many object storage providers therefore advertise that they are S3-compatible, i.e. that they support the S3 protocol. With S3-compatible providers, it is therefore possible to use tools such as the many CLI tools that are made for S3, which brings many advantages.
This category contains services from companies based in a member state of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).
You can read more about the listing criteria here.
Scaleway offers S3-compatible storage in its Object Storage service.
Scaleway as a cloud computing platform is described on a separate page.
Exoscale offers in its Object Storage service an S3-compatible object storage without cold storage.
Exoscale as a cloud platform is described on a separate page.
Hetzner Object Storage is the object storage product of the German cloud provider Hetzner.
Fuga Cloud offers in its Object Storage service an S3 compatible object storage without cold storage.
Fuga Cloud as a cloud platform is described on a separate page.
Contabo Object Storage is the S3-compatible object storage service of the German hoster Contabo.
The virtual private server (VPS) products of Contabo are described on a separate page.
UpCloud Object Storage is an S3-compatible object storage from the cloud provider UpCloud.
OVHcloud offers S3-compatible object storage without cold storage in its Object Storage service. However, OVH Cloud offers a separate service for long-term archiving.
OVHcloud as a cloud platform is described on a separate page.
Bunny offers object storage delivered through their CDN. You may choose between their standard object storage plans, which is simple region-based object storage. Or their edge-based plans, which replicate your data around the world to increase delivery performance, for additional cost.
Intercolo is an object storage provider from Germany. They have very affordable prices including no fees for outgoing traffic and are S3 compatible, which makes migrating easy.
IONOS offers S3-compatible object storage without cold storage in its Object Storage service.
Tebi is an S3-compatible object storage provider with a free tier of 25 GB of storage and 250 GB of traffic. Tebi can also replicate data across data centers to ensure high reliability.
Cellar is the object storage product from clever cloud. It is S3-compatible and 100MB per month is free for easy testing.
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