European alternatives for digital products

We help you find European alternatives for digital service and products, like cloud services and SaaS products.

Support local businesses

When you buy from local businesses, you are supporting yourself down the road. Taxes paid by the company come back to you indirectly and the company creates jobs in your region.

Data protection / GDPR

Some companies outside Europe tend to ignore data protection and related laws such as the GDPR or do not implement them correctly.

VAT / Billing

As a business that operates in Europe, it is possible to get a VAT refund for products/services of other European companies. European companies also tend to offer payment methods that are commonly used in Europe.

Similar legal requirements

Within the EU, many laws and framework conditions are set by the EU, which helps to cover a large market without having to consider large country-specific differences. It is also easier to enforce your rights against another company located in the EU.


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