Qwant Maps logo

Qwant Maps

Qwant Maps

Qwant Maps is the navigation app from the French search engine Qwant. Like the search engine itself, it is focused on privacy and is based on open data sources like OpenStreetMap and OpenAdresses.


Qwant Maps is free to use.


Domain name Usage type Lookup type Hosting provider
qwant.com Core Service Web
  • QWANT SAS (AS199064)
about.qwant.com Representation Web
  • QWANT SAS (AS199064)
Other products in category Navigation apps
Mapy.cz logo


Czech Republic EU EU hosted

Mapy.cz is a navigation app from the Czech Republic. They offer apps for Android, iOS and AppGallery and can calculate routes for car, bike, public transportation and by foot. Mapy.cz is a product of the Czech internet company Seznam.cz.

The app can be downloaded here:

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